As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, courts throughout the state of New Jersey temporarily closed. This caused many spouses to postpone their plans for divorce. However, it is important to know that there are alternative methods that allow you to move forward with this process. For example, online divorce mediation. While it may not be the way you initially pictured your divorce, this process presents spouses with a variety of benefits. Continue reading below to learn more and reach out to our New Jersey divorce mediators to learn how we can help you.
Why Should I Use Online Mediation?
There are several benefits that come along with divorcing through online mediation. THis can including the following: There are various benefits to divorcing through online mediation, including the following:
- You can stay in the comfort of your home. Divorcing through litigation requires you to go to court. This is often uncomfortable, as it involves discussing personal matters in an unfamiliar setting. Online divorce mediation, however, lets you engage in healthy conversations in a location you are familiar with that provides you with access to stress relievers that can comfort you.
- You can eliminate travel worries. By engaging in divorce mediation online, you do not have to concern yourself with getting to and from the courtroom. This also frees up time in your day. Instead, online divorce mediation allows you to give your undivided attention to the process without worrying about where you need to be.
How do I Prepare for Online Mediation?
While the process may be more relaxed, it is still crucial to be prepared for online divorce mediation sessions. This allows you to get the most out of the process during this time. To start with, find a comfortable space within your home that allows you privacy and a strong wifi connection to conduct the meetings. In addition to this, be sure any children you may have are distracted for the duration of the meeting so that you are not preoccupied or experience interruptions. If you need any drinks, snacks, tissues, or a notepad, be sure to get this together ahead of time so you do not have to get up throughout the meeting.
Contact our Firm
Ross and Calandrillo, LLC is a full-service divorce, family, and real estate law firm located in Mountainside, New Jersey. For strong legal representation in all of your divorce or family law matters, contact Ross and Calandrillo, LLC to schedule a consultation.